There be pirates!

My son has a frugal use of language. He prefers to say things in the fewest words possible. He also tends to mix English and Spanish freely, choosing the simpler word from either language.

A few days ago, we were out driving and it was past lunchtime, so I asked, "Jason, are you hungry?"

"Yes", he relied.

"What would you like to eat?"

"French fries, hamburger, juice, and a toy", was his verbless answer.

As we continued along he blurted, "Look! McDonald's. There be french fries."

I wanted to correct him, because I find "there be ..." rather jarring on the ears, besides, it makes him sound like a pirate. To be honest, I couldn't think of a better way to express it. Maybe I should have paid more attention in grammar class ...

He has recently started saying "I don't care" instead of "I don't know".

This leads to amusing conversations like:

"Who Broke this?"
"I don't care."

"Where is your mother?"
"I don't care."

He had a wonderful exchange with my sister once:

"Wow! Look how big you are Jason."

"I grow. By myself. At home."


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