First snowstorm

Well, we have our first snowstorm today. Lot's of traffic accidents (at least 35 they were saying on the radio). Took me 1-1/2 hours to drive 32Km (20 miles) to work. Normally it takes me 30-40 minutes.

We are expecting 10cm (4 inches) of snow. It is currently -7C (19F), with a wind chill of -16C (3F).

You can have a real-time look at Ottawa from various traffic cameras here. But hurry, the snowstorm won't last long and the morning rush hour traffic will eventually dissipate. Unfortunately, some cameras are down.

You can jump directly to an intersection here

I recommend picking Innes and Blair (near where I live) from Zone 3 or Terry Fox and Palladiium (near where I work) from Zone 1.

But a more exciting one might be Terry Fox and Hazeldean in Zone 1 or St. Laurent and Innes from Zone 2.

You can click on the arrows in the lower right corner to get a slightly larger image.

The snow is a fine, wind driven, snow, not the more romantic big fluffy snowflakes, lazily falling to the ground.

We had snow last week as well, but the snow didn't last even a day. Today's looks like a keeper - unless we suddenly get unseasonably warm weather.

I grabbed the photo from here.


Nobody said…
Thank you for your views.

You have just taken the words from my mouth!

Thanks again!
Mockingbird said…
Cool! Your blog has the sounds of a snow storm! I'm impressed. Ha, ha, ha... :D
Beth said…
Never have a chance to experience snowstorm and that coldness before. I think I would be dead if I am there... pretty scared of cold. The most I can take is about 8 deg C and is already feeling almost dead. :)
Richard said…
Bee, all you need to do is dress appropriately. Our homes are insulated and heated. I find the cold very invigorating. Sofia finds the cold brutal. Oh, well.

Michael, it is actually sounds from the Cassini space probe.
Wow, it still looks slushy where you are! I hope you're getting around safely!
Richard said…
MIO: Well, it was slushy and slippery yesterday morning in Montreal (I suppose it was the same in Ottawa).

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