Can I watch TV while I pray?
I think most people would disapprove of watching TV while praying.
Could such a request be made palatable?
I could ask, "Can I pray while I watch TV?"
This is more likely get a favourable response.
However, despite seeming the same - simply expressed differently - the questions are totally different. The difference lies in the principal activity and the proposed secondary activity.
Could such a request be made palatable?
I could ask, "Can I pray while I watch TV?"
This is more likely get a favourable response.
However, despite seeming the same - simply expressed differently - the questions are totally different. The difference lies in the principal activity and the proposed secondary activity.
I like that in the middle of any part of my life...Christ is there...and I can talk to Him.
(Isn't this the old associative property?)
tin-tin: how a question is posed can affect the response. However, it may not always be the same question, even if it has the same words. Now you have a new technique for trying to influence people.
You are so correct that that even the placement of a single word can totally change the meaning of a sentence. English is not an easy language.