
I discovered this as I was going cleaning up images on my computer. I don't remember where I originally found it. If anyone knows the source, I will happily credit them (although, the image does lead me to believe is was probably here).


RennyBA said…
Nothing feels better than a well meant hug:-)
Richard said…
rennyba: I agree, but some people are not huggers.
B said…
true. some people will hug anyone they come across and others are rather reserved when it comes to hugging.

i've known some people that are a little too creepy with the hugs. for whatever reason, this hug cartoon made me think of that! :)
Coffee Fairy v1 said…
that's a hug that suffocates :S
i like sincere hugs, i believe you can tell a person's intention by the way he/she hugs you.
buzybee said…
Hmmn.... that woman seems to be screaming for help while the man is enjoying it. :P

I'm not a hugger, except for someone very, very, special. :D
Richard said…
breal: I am not a hugger, but my mom was. She always hugged people when greeting them.

coffee fairy: ah, but what if they don't hug you, can you still tell their intentions?

bee: I am like you, but even so, I found the cartoon amusing. Maybe I need to get a hobby.

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