"There was nothing they would not do

to secure the rights of exploited and abused animals. This year alone they, personally, had already chalked up the realease of several hundred prisoner-rats from a lab in Lisle, Illinois.It was too bad about the mutated bubonic plague spreading through Chicago afterward, but as Ken said, people had choices, the rats didn't."

From Last Rights by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon.


Travis Erwin said…
Tell me more about this book Last Rights.

I have probplesm with the entire animal "rights movement" for a number of reasons.

Don't get me wrong I'm all for animal welfare, but rights is the wrong word and unfortunaltye for many of these radical groups animal rights is exactly what they are after.
Richard said…
travis: it is a short story. It was written for an anthology of orginal dinosaur stories called Dinosaur Fantastic.

There was a whole series of these anthlogies produced (Dragon Fantastic, Horse Fantastic, Cat Fantastic, etc).

As awriter or writer-wannabe, they are quite interesting to read from a technical point of view since you know these stories were written to spec and not from that restless inner muse. Some stories are quite good and others are obviously plot by number.

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