The opposite of love is ... ?
The classic answer is hate. Unfortunately, it is wrong. The opposite of love is indifference. Love and hate are two powerful emotions of deep care and concern for an individual (one is concerned with the good of the person, the other with the harm). As human beings, we all need relationships. To not have friends and companions is painful for us. So we get into relationships (friendship, romantic, or otherwise) because we need them. We need to know someone cares. Interestingly enough, it doesn't seem to matter if the person cares for us in a positive or negative way - just as long as they care. As long as they devote their attention to us. This is the only answer I can come to regarding why so many people get into bad relationships and don't leave - worse yet, cling to them. indifference is the opposite because it is not caring, unlike love or hate which are about caring. Epitaph: I died alone ... without even a tormenter for company. P.S. My emotional and mental state are good ...