What is your tribal allegiance?
I have observed in church that the congregation half-heartedly mumbles prayers and maybe a few intrepid souls will join in singing any hymns, but when it comes to singing the national anthem, people stand to attention, puff out their chest and sing loudly lest their neighbour think them unpatriotic.
This past Sunday / Canada Day (01-July-2007) proved to be no different - patriotism won handedly over godliness.
Image nabbed from here.
This past Sunday / Canada Day (01-July-2007) proved to be no different - patriotism won handedly over godliness.
Image nabbed from here.
I don't go to a church, but when I do go, I notice that everyone sings out and seems to know these hymns but I don't always know them so I'm a bit quieter.
Btw: I was in Mariestad cathedral last week, but that was for a concert where a Swedish singer song Edvard Grieg. A must visit for a Norwegian of course:-)
breal: yes, there are some faith traditions with a strong sense of vibrant worship. Charismatics tend to fall into that group as well.
rennyba: I suspectd it was fairly universal.
barbara: while I would not expect the average person in the street to express strong sentiment for religious worship. I would expect the congregation to worship together more strongly. Of course, my expectations may be unrealistic, most people (I suspect) will associate with their nation before their religion. I prefer to associate with Truth.