
Today Forbidden Planet turns 1 year old.

I have considered a web presence since 1996, but eventually it was Ingrid and her Ice Cream that inspired me to start.

Initially I expected the content to consist of pontifications and technical entries (princiapally focussed on programming and my sceptical views on conventional knowledge in various fields of science).

In the end, it has turned into a more reflective blog. This has actually turned out better for me, since it reminds me of younger days, coffee shops, long walks and deep talks.

I have kept my original rule which was to only post one entry per day (actually less than that sometimes).

One interesting thing I learned was that "being found" is quite hard. People did not come tripping over my blog in the early days – even now they don't. It still requires a fair amount of browsing other people's blogs and leaving comments to generate visits.

I am very gratified with those who regularly visit my blog and leave thoughtful and meaningful comments.

Thank you to all for being there and making my first year's experience a wonderful one!

Image taken from here.


Kay said…
Awww...ur most welcome Richard.

Well, it reminds me of how I 'tripped' by your blog...

Happy Blogversary to you!!
buzybee said…
Happy blogging. :)

Thanks for "tripping over" mine and all your valuable comments. Otherwise I wouldn't have known you.

Stay "reflective"... it's good for your soul and often good for others too... and I am one of them.

All the best.
Richard said…
sassy momma: how did ou come by my blog?

bee: at the time you were using the back of your head with your wonderful long hair as your avatar. How could I resist following it?
Kay said…
Well, Richard I was 'introduced' to Hotel Solace(Elvina) by Prince...and...

I would always read ur comments and drop by ur blog w/o commenting...until...

a week later,at which then I decided to make 'my move'...hee
Happy Bloggiversary, Richard! :)
Richard said…
Thanks for filling me in sassy momma - I figured elvina was the likely gateway.

MIO: thanks! I know you were initially drawn her by my "Little Prince" avatar.
Cavalock said…
Happy Blogversy!
Richard said…
Thanks cavalock and I'm glad you are one who has shared in it.
buzybee said…
Richard said; "bee: at the time you were using the back of your head with your wonderful long hair as your avatar. How could I resist following it?"

hehehe... didn't know that has an effect on u... first time i am hearing it. :)
Richard said…
bee: hair is the first thing I will notice about a woman. It is superficial, but it is also instinctive.

I am attracted by hair in this order:

1. Long
2. Curly
3. Red

Long-curly hair beats out long-red hair.

Long hair beats out short-curly-red hair.

etc ...

Not that the influence lasts long, but it is still something I notice.

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