I hadn't been to my dentist since May-2004 (normally I went on weekends, but since Sofia and the kids moved to Montreal, I am not in Ottawa on the weekends). Last night, as I was munching on some cashews, I felt a pain in one of my molars and then some grit in my mouth. I went and washed it out, assuming that maybe there had been a stone or something amount the cashews. Turns out I noticed a hole in the surface of the molar (top right, second from the back, my wisdom teeth were removed years ago). Fishing around for grit in my mouth, it looked like crumbled filling. So I assumed that my filling had cracked and crumbled and come out. Went to the dentist this morning, he took an x-ray and came back with bad news. I have a large cavity under the filling, which gave way. The filling did not fall out, but rather impacted into the space of the cavity. He did not rework the filling, since the cavity is very near the root - cleaning it out would likely result in exposing the root. As some...
I'm not that mellow and my thoughts are sometimes fanciful and creative but I can be pragmatic and realistic most often.
I do think about my friends and my life an awful lot.
"Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.
Did you think yours was even close?
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life."
It is true at certain points. Sometimes I feel that I spend too much time for others and yet sometimes it drives me crazy when I want to help but I can't :p
ingrid: isn't it wonderful to find like minded people?
ancilla: like I commented to MOI, it is general enough to be true for most people at some time or other. If I had come up as blue brained, I would have accepted it just as easily as being purple brained.
btw, can u remove the 'word verification' requirement for commenting here.... it's a 'pain' to comment here, i need to try a few times for each comment to succeed. :(
So ... for the time being it is going to stay. Maybe I should disable anonymous comments, but then that would have stopped "inner grace" from leaving a comment a few days ago.
Just my thoughts...