Belated Blogiversary

Earlier this week (07-April-2008), Forbidden Planet became a 3 year old toddler. Over a period of 1101 days, I have managed 556 posts (including this one). Not as prolific as some bloggers, but I think averaging one post every two days isn't too bad.

My ground rules for posting are pretty simple:
  1. no more than 1 post per day (I have broken this rule 3 times, I think)
  2. keep the posts concise. My fictitious goal is 3 paragraphs
  3. avoid repetition
  4. leave the reader with something to think about

I hope the approach I take to blogging is similar to what Lister Sinclair expressed about the way he approached the production of Ideas: (paraphrase) "I assume the listener is intelligent and very knowledgeable in all subject matters, except the one I am presenting."

I think I have been reasonably successful.

Some of my favourite posts over the past 3 years (there is no rhyme or reason to their selection, except that they came quickly to mind and I like them):

Evolution of a Peeve
What Self Cleaning Windows, Deodorizing Lights and Your Skin Have in Common
Non-Conforming or Non-Conformant?
"That was a long time ago."
Pictures of Ottawa

and, of course,

Richardology (the responses are a trove of inestimable wealth).

Image nabbed from here.


EC Gefroh said…
Richard, Happy Blogoversary!
Oh Wow!! Happy Blogoversary!
I don't even know when's mine.... :(

I do admire you having ground rules for blogging - which I believe gives your blog a lot more meaning and direction.

I am less organised, and perhaps quite random. I blog as I feel, and nowadays, whenever I feel like it.

Not that I don't like blogging anymore, but rather, there are more and more distractions taking me away from blogging.

And sometimes, I don't know what to write about, and I don't just want to post something.

Sometimes, I just couldn't share even if I really wanted to.

Sometimes, I just feel too tired to blog.

Excuses excuses.

Whatever it is - thanks for coming this far with me, and being my faithful blog reader all these years.
CG said…
Happy Blogoversary, I read two posts out of your favourites and I am so confused I will leave it at that for today. Will read more tomorrow :)
And by the way, how great it is to have blogging rules, I never thought of that for myself!
Barbara said…
Happy birthday to you! I think you have been extremely successful in meeting your goals for posting. You have given me a lot of nuggets to chew on!
Congrats, Richard. You have met your goals successfully. Me too, I guess, mainly because I fell into blogging and had none!

I am in Elvina's space now too, with other more important things taking me away from it. I don't know how others do it who are working...they are just more efficient at doing the other things in life I guess. If I ever stop, I'll likely just dwindle off but I'd keep the blog up.
Richard said…
esther: thank you!

elvina: thanks! My rules are not firmly set in stone, they are really more like guiding principles. I don't follow them that closely (as you would notice from the lack of any significant number of truly 3 paragraph posts).

I think you need to pull back, rest and re-energize. Look for solace in silence. You need another solitary trip to Kelong to decompress - methinks, but, then again, how accurately can I read someone through their blog?

carra: thanks! Surely you must have some objective in mind when blogging. If you didn't then you wouldn't blog anything would you? I am pretty sure you have some "unofficial" rules you just haven't bothered to write down.

barbara: thank you! You flatter me.

MOI: I don't know if I am meeting them successfully. I have a few readers who seem to like what I write.

I think how we blog depends a lot on what we do it for. If this was my job, then I am sure my blog would be different in substance and tone. Since I primarily use it as a vehicle for micro-conversations, I keep it up depending on my need and ability to talk.

Last week was a bit difficult because Sofia was in Panama, so I was doing the Ottawa-Montreal commute everyday.
Unknown said…
Happy belated birthday to Forbidden Planet.;)
Richard said…
sweetiepie: thank you! Nice to see you again.

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