
I think it has been more of the same this past year - perhaps a little less self indulgent whining and more arrogant assertiveness.
Work circumstances made blogging a little trickier the past year – and it just keeps gets harder to grab some surreptitious time at work.
I continue to enjoy the wonderful diversity of thoughts and experiences I encounter through out the blog-o-sphere – expanding my horizons always appeals to me. I love the thoughtful comments. I love the interesting interaction.
I suppose the next year will just continue to be more of the same. So, maybe some of you will begin to tire of my questions and oddball perspectives.
I have no idea were the picture came from, but if you do, then let me know and I can credit the source.
By now (3.5 years later), blogging has fulfilled my needs and I am blogging less due to busy work schedule.
Happy Blogging! :D
We won't tire of your "oddball perspectives" because it is for the same reasons you cite that we read yours to widen our perspective. We need it to be unique and "so Richard" in order to continue to broaden our minds.
I've blogged since Nov. 2004, then deleted it in July 05, then started the present one in Aug. That's why I have so many posts I re-posted since no one read the early ones and I wanted feedback on poems etc.
I can't believe the # of people who can blog from work! I can see doing it on your lunch, but certainly I wouldn't rant on about work as many do! If I were teaching, the blogs are blocked out of the school's computers anyway.
Blog on, Richard! (Does Sophie read yours ever? My husband doesn't but sometimes I read them to him.)
kaymac: thank you.
ulysses: nice to see you finally drop a comment. Everybody has different tastes and preferences and tend to aggregate along those lines. In addition to flocking together along similarities, people also have a tendency to carefully watch potential threats.
bee: hmmm ... so your most enriching experience was before I discovered your blog :-( and since then it has all been downhill :P
barbara: we all take things for granted. This is why I think internal reflection is important.
MOI: my employer has no policy forbidding activities - so long as it does not interfere with work. So, lunchtime is a good time. My job also allows me to take a few moments while the computer is doing something else.
It is not always easy. Lately, I have taken to alternating between commenting or posting, since I don't have time to do both.
I am not aware of Sofia reading my blog.
that's why it can be so "refreshing and life giving" :P
breal: I am not sure. I do remember having difficulty commenting on some of your posts. You wrote well, but I had no comment I could leave.