Just to show that
Cavalock is not the only one
who can blog about food. Here is my meagre contribution.
While doing some shopping today, I noticed that there were some new flavour potato chips. I am always game for some exotic taste.
I also found some sliced foie gras. This is the liver of a duck that has been force fed until its liver is to the point of bursting. The price for this delicacy goes for a cool $130.05 per Kg (or, at the last exchange rate I saw, about US $139 per Kg). I hope it is good.
As you can see, the liver does not have that natural liver colour. It is also huge. It is 11-1/2 cm wide. And this is just a slice of it. I bet the duck was happy to get rid of it. I honestly can't imagine what the duck loocked like after being force fed so much.
I also bought these fancy tomatoes. How could I pass up so a gorgeous selection? We had them for lunch with the kids (although, Jason didn't have any since he doesn't like tomatoes, but he will eat ketchup with everything. Go figure).
Photo credits: Richard of Forbidden Planet
I was surprised, but Jason was enjoying it too. He ate quite a bit of it.