This is the end

For the past month I have been posting daily because I signed up for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month).

I got the heads up on this from Tena. For some reason, I was unable to get one of those little stickers you can put on your blog, but, no matter, I still kept up with it.

This went a lot more successfully than my attempt at NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) two years ago.

Thank you all for reading and putting up with me :P

Image nabbed from here.


Barbara said…
Does this mean you're going to become a slacker once again?! :) I've enjoyed knowing there would be something new each time I visited.
Richard said…
barbara: we'll see. Maybe if I slack more, my quality will go up.
Tena Russ said…

Congrats to you. Have a great weekend!

Tena Russ said…
PS Thanks for linking me.
Richard said…
tena: what about all your faithful readers? No doubt, they will be going through withdrawal - it might not be pretty.

If I find I like a particular blog over a reasonable period of time, I will cross link to them so others may have the opportunity to enjoy it too.
B said…
Way to go! Blogging each day is no small feat.
Richard said…
breal: procrastinators (like me) need to have a deadline. Granted, some posts were lame, and others lazy, but ... guess what? ... even if I do take the time, I post lame and lazy stuff.

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