Not easily grossed out, but ...
I find this picture pretty nauseating. It is sarcophagid larvae in the gums of an Israeli man. Aside from live maggots crawling around in his gums, the condition of his teeth also leave a lot to be desired.
Image nabbed from here.
Image nabbed from here.
Hye of Space of Reality
It's pretty strange going from the chocolate post to this one. I feel conflicted. ;)
ingrid: it might be gross, but I did not think it was offensive. Its proximity to the chocolate lava cakes did not occur to me, I just wanted to get a post up.
Three awards are waiting for you ;D Check it out at Space of Reality
MOI: we can equally ask why people fail to take reasonable care of themselves.
freckled-one: ha ha, I think your dentist will thank you.
kaymac: yeah, it does get to be a bit much to look at.
breal: nice to see you back. I suppose that can be a bit unsettling.
hye: thanks. I will check them out.
ey richard, on another topic. i read again your comment on my post re my wish to have a new job and you said that i should be careful coz you got to work for 80+ hours. i think i know now what you mean. hehe ;p