End of year survey
Continuing my streak of posting nothing original and taking my cue from others, I once again borrow something from ice cream LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW: Ziglar on Selling, Guerrilla Marketing for the Writer, The Workbench Book, Sam's Teach Yourself HTML & XHTML in 24 Hours (what? Who can only read one book at a time?) FAVORITE BOARD GAME: Star Fleet Battles (but I haven't played in 15+ years) FAVORITE MAGAZINE: Computer Language (defunct for about 15 years) FAVORITE SMELLS: Soft and gentle smells of cleanliness and home: baby powder, after a thunderstorm, early morning crispness, baking, home cooking (not frying though) COMFORT FOOD: Anything tasty FAVORITE SOUNDS: Tania and Jason shouting "Daddy!" when I come home. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: despondency WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING: ugh ... work ... FAVORITE FAST FOOD PLACE: ...