Time is money

As he explains (I am paraphrasing reasonably accurately, because I left the book at home): Time is not money. Time is far more precious than money. If you run out of money, there are a myriad of ways you can generate more. If you run out of time, there is no way you can generate more.
I certainly agree, it was nice to read someone who put it nice and succinctly though.
Image grabbed from here.
I feel like I've fallen into a hole this whole month of December, barely having time to read my favorite blogs, much less come up with anything coherent to write about. I have one more work day until the holiday break, so in case I don't get to pop up out of my hole again before then, I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you get some time off to spend at home with your wife and little ones. :)
Bee: that is also something Jay Levinson wrote. It is very true. Far to ooften we always put off things, believing we can catch up later. I think I was really blessed with my kids. I have gotten to spend more time with them than the typical dad would. I really cherished the 6 month sabbatical I had with my son earlier this year. Now he is going to a pre-school / daycare program and I miss him. Even at their tender ages (4 and 6) I already miss them because they are leaving home.