Random photo blog

Shot of a field outside my work place – just across the parking lot and street.
Experimental night shot. The shutter stayed open three seconds. Yes, I had the camera perched so it would not move.
Sight I see a few kilometers into the Quebec border after entering from Ontario.
A field about half way between Montreal and Ottawa. This and the previous picture do nothing to dispel the myth that Canada is a vast wilderness. Actually it is. Traveling between Montreal and Ottawa it is about 140Km of forest and farmland.
A foggy morning outside my home in Ottawa.

All images are copyright by me.


Anonymous said…
wow!I love them!!

it seems so peaceful out there.
nice traveling with u(thru pics).your

wish to see more of place!!
Richard said…
ghee: glad you like them. I am sure that I will continue to share more pictures of Canada (or at least my little corner of it) over the years.
Matt said…
Well done, Richard. Now, I was wondering about that third picture. Is that a freeway and are you allowed to pull over like that? Somebody once told me that telling the story behind a picture is just as important as showing the picture. I agree with that even though I don't always live up to it.
That's the neat thing about our country...we have the urban/city thing, but right outside it is pure country and rural.
I've never been to Montreal. Post some pics sometime.

Do you ever go driving around Ottawa south? My grandma's house is the oldest house in Ottawa, has a heritage bronze plaque on it..is on Southern Drive..if you ever come upon it, please take a pic and send it or post it. A Carleton Univ, History Prof. lives there now. Some time I'll scan an old photo I have of it.
Richard said…
matt: yes, that is a highway - autoroute 40. We are allowed to pull over to the side - there are generous shoulders on which to do so. However, there are some places where I cannot do that. As I cross over onto the island of Montreal, there is a beautiful view of Lac de Deux Montagnes (Lake of Two Mountains) - unfortunately, there is no place to pull over on the bridge. I have tried snapping some photos by sticking my hand and camera out the car window (at 120Km/h), but so far nothing decent has emerged.

MOI: How could anyone not have visited Montreal? I'll see if I can snap a photo of your grandma's home.
B said…
amazing photos, richard. it is so beautiful up there.
Richard said…
breal: yes, it can be very beautiful up here. Right now it is a bit grey because there are no leaves on the trees and there is a light dusting of snow.
KayMac said…
beautiful pics. I promise not to post them on my blog w/o your permission...wink!
Just me said…
Those are awesome shots. I love the way you caught the fog. A very hard shot.
Richard said…
Hmmm ... I didn't think they were terribly exciting. Mind you, I see these things regularly so perhaps the gee whiz, wow effect is sort of muted.

Thanks for your positive comments. I am sure I will post more of Ottawa and Montreal and in between eventually.

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